Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kinesio tape : As seen on the Olympics .

Kinesio tape is a unique taping method that reduces spams of muscles, decreases joint stress and improves lymphatic flow. It is one of the fastest growing treatment methods in physical medicine because due to its effectiveness and affordability. One application can provide pain relief and enhanced healing for several days. conditions responding to the method include but are not limited to: Plantar fasciitis, lower leg pain, hip/thigh pain, shoulder and upper arm pain, carpal tunnel irritation, elbow and knee pain and neck pain. Several complaints can be addressed in the same visit. The tape remains on for 3-4 days and can withstand showering and normal activities.
This procedue is not currently covered under most insurances.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Great Yoga Tips

I found a great set of tips for beginning yoga. See them by clicking here

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ibuprofen Cream

Monday, June 2, 2008

Why does your neck hurt?

Why does your neck hurt?

Neck pain just plain sucks. Stiffness and soreness in the neck causes discomfort, irritability, loss of sleep and often numbness and strength loss down the arms into the hands.

Many patients report neck pain after car accidents, injuries and overexertion but some can't point to any specific incident that caused them to have neck pain. Some people blame it on sleeping wrong, stress or overworking and many times these may be factors but usually aren't the root cause.

Basically you have a fat head! Well it may not be fat but it is rather large compared to the little spine that it is supported by. This spine is made up of seven vertebrae whose job it is to not only keep you standing tall and allowing movement but they also carry blood vessels to the brain and the spinal cord runs right through them. In between each of these units nerves exit the spinal cord and go to their respective origins. The nerves of the lower cervical spine join to form the nerves to your shoulder, arm and hand muscles. Discs provide support and cushioning to these vertebrae On top of these important structures are your windpipe, esophagus , lymph nodes and muscles. So you can see that this is a complex area of the body and any irritation can affect numerous structures.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Posture Pump Buy it here

The Posture Pump cervical traction device really works!

As a Chiropractor I am constantly amazed by the amount of junk that is pushed on the American public and much of it is produced and promoted by the same people who call us quacks! I am a true believer in restoring function to the
body ( as evidenced by my other posts) and rarely do I rely on or push a product on my patients. The posture pump is one device that I have found to actually reduce a straight neck and to restore the natural curve in the neck.

If you are searching for a product to use at home this is it!

The Posture Pump is a traction device that not only tractions your neck but by using an air bladder it restores the natural curve in your neck.

You may see ads for doctors in you local newspapers pushing Distraction therapies which are really only glorified expensive units that do abolut the same thing as the Posture Pump only these charge thousands of dollars for treatment. You can use this product at home for 1/10th of the price.

I would recommend that you consult a Chiropractor or Osteopath before using the pump to rule out any contraindications. Be warned that most medical doctors and radiologist will not even point out hypolordosis ( that is the loss of the normal cervical curve) and will quickly dismiss this home device and push physical therapy.

Only $130 plus $7 shipping within the United States only.

Take a look at posture pumps informative website but return here to buy because they are asking $198 for the product.

Posture Pump Website

Buy now using Paypal. Safe and Secure
Click on the button below.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Video of a study suggesting sitting upright is not the best posture

In this video a study was performed in Scotland which suggests that sitting at a 135 degree angle is better than sitting upright at 90 degrees. This new theory will be difficult to put to practical use in the world of computer use and conventional furniture design but could benefit some people with low back issues.

See The Video Here

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Is your hip pain actually hip pain?

People often complain of hip pain when in actuality it isn't the hip at all which is bothering them. There are three structures in the pelvis that present pain and only one is the true hip. The SI joint is the sacral-iliac joint and this is where the pelvic bone comes into contact with the triangular sacrum. This pain presents as sharp local pain that can be pointed to specifically. The actual hip joint is the point where the femur fits into the pelvis. This pain can be on the side of the leg or slightly in front or behind the top bony part of the leg. It is commonly tender and sore. Sharp pain in this area may be the result of a fracture and should be evaluated. In the groin area several muscles descend into the leg and along with them travel nerves, blood vessels and lymph nodes. Pain here is usually muscular and as such tends to be more spread out and worse with movement of the leg.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chiropractic and knee pain

a very good article on knee pain

click here to view

Chiropractic Cuts Blood Pressure study shows

Chiropractic Cuts Blood Pressure

Study Finds Special 'Atlas Adjustment' Lowers Blood Pressure

click here to read the full article

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Does working on computers cause neck pain and headaches?19061

With the rise in computer use over the last 10 years, neck pain and headaches have also increased. When using a computer, people often lean forward to type, to read the screen and just from a lack of good posture. This altered positioning can lead to neck pain, headaches, arm, shoulder and elbow pain and also low back and glute pain. Correcting the muscular imbalance and learning some tips to help reverse and prevent future pain is highly recommended. Please give me a call if you would like to reduce your pain associated with computer use.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back Pain , Knee and Hip Replacements Foot pain

Have you been told you need a knee replacement? You may or may not require such a drastic surgery. Knee pain is often related to the muscles surrounding the knee just as much or even more than the structures of the knee itself. Many people who present with knee, hip , ankle or back pain are never told that these conditions are related. To just fix one joint without addressing the cause of the problem subjects the patient to future problems that may require additional surgery. If you have been considering a joint replacement and have not had a serious trauma in the recent past, please seek other opinions from a variety of providers.

Friday, March 28, 2008

What causes Low back pain and hip groin leg pain sciatica

Understanding your body is the key to understanding your pain

Your brain is smart, and very selfish. It wants to not only be in the penthouse suite way up at the top, it wants to be in the center. This allows for it to receive and transmit all of the messages it needs to through the nerves and also provides proper blood flow. The brains palace is the skull and it sits on top of the spinal column.. The spine encases the nervous system and provides stability and protection. At the base of the spine sits the sacrum which is like an upside down triangle. This acts as the keystone for the spine as it is wedges in between the bones of the pelvis. The large bony pelvis is therefore the the anchor of the whole system. Pelvis means basin or bowl in Latin. The job of this bowl is to not only hold some of your important organs but to act like a stabilizing point for the transition from the legs to the torso.

So the pelvis is the Key!

The pelvis is the foundation and the sacrum is the base. If the foundation is uneven, the base and everything above it is shifted causing chaos in the rest of the body. Imagine wearing one high heel and one flat shoe. One leg would obviously be longer than the other but they both would have to touch the ground at the same point. So this leg difference would translate all the way up into the pelvis causing it to tilt. This in turn would force the spine to one side and with it would go the skull and brain. This would be unacceptable to the brain because it would affect the blood supply, interfere with balance and disrupt nerve signals. In order to reduce this tilting and get itself back over the center line, the brain would send impulses to the muscles of the back and legs to rotate the pelvis and spine.

The rotation of the spine

The unbalancing of the spine and the attempt to correct it
The unbalancing of the spine and the attempt to correct it

The pelvic shuffle

The femurs fit into the pelvis bone at what is called the acetabulum and this form the hip joint. The femurs come in on a small angle and form a ball joint with the pelvis. When the femur is rotated in, the foot turns out and conversely when the femur turns out, the foot rotates in. Because of the angle in which it sits, rotation actually causes the femur to rise up or to drop a slight amount. This provides a way for the brain to balance out the pelvis if it senses it is uneven. If the pelvis is tilted up on the right side, this would cause the spine to lean to the left and since the brain is so selfish I will not allow this. In oder to correct the imbalance there are several options the brain can utilize. If the pelvis tilts upward on the right the right leg becomes shorter than the left and the spine drifts to the side bringing the head with it and a cascade of problems ensue.

Finding a Chiropractor in Boothwyn 19061

Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Boothwyn, Upper Chichester, Lower Chichester , Marcus Hook, Trainer, Chester , Aston , Bethel or Garnet Valley to treat you for your neck, back, hip, sacral, sciatica, foot , Knee or other muscular or skeletal pain?

Dr David DeFries Jr. D.C. Chiropractic with Massage Therapy Available.
1520 Meetinghouse Road
Boothwyn Pa 19061

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Low back pain, Mid back Pain , Neck Pain and arthritis

Arthritis has become a shoo away diagnosis in this society. Far too often people with joint pain are given a quick diagnosis of arthritis and issued muscle relaxers or pain medication and sent home. First understand that arthritis simply means joint ( arthro) and inflammation (itis). It has been suggested that this is an improper term because it isn't true inflammation when speaking of osteoarthritis rather it is irritation. A joint becomes irritated from misuse not overuse. When it moves improperly the surrounding area becomes acidic and calcium is deposited. On an Xray this is can appear as an increased white area around the bone. The bone will also start to deform because of the irregular pressure being but on it by undue stress.

Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis or degenerative disc or joint disease and given no treatment to remove the irritation is like showing up with an arrow in your eyeball, being told you have a scratched retina and being given an aspirin. If a joint is irritated, you must remove the irritation not just reduce the symptoms. If left untreated this joint irritation can lead to chronic and very painful pain.

Chiropractic treatment of headaches and migranes

Headaches and migraines are often caused by compression of the vertebral arteries. Only in your cervical spine do you have blood vessels actually running through the vertebra. These arteries supply the blood flow to the brain. Any abnormal pressure exerted on these vessels cna decrease the blood supply and cause pain. Abnormal curves of the neck, poor posture and previous injury can all lead to increased incidences of headaches. Headaches are not "normal" and should not be written off as stress or poor sleeping position. If you experience headaches please stop in so we can find out the cause and fix the problem.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chiropractic services available during weekends, after hours and holidays

Appointments are available during the Easter weekend at my Boothwyn 19061 office. Chiropractic visits for back, neck pain, sciatica, headaches and other muscle and joint symptoms. Please call Dr David DeFries Jr. at 610-800-7752.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

When to use heel lifts in your shoes for low back pain

Pelvic unleveling is the focus of my treatment. for a better understanding please see my article on the pelvis by clicking here biomechanical dysfunction . Heel lifts can be used to help reverse the tilting and rotation of the pelvis but this should be done with caution. When heel lifts are are utilized before the cause of the dysfunction is reduced there is a chance that the condition may get worse. The heel lift my be placed in the side of the longer leg to reduce irritation to the hip and opposite side low back. Quite often this will result in an overcompensation by the body and the short leg will then appear longer when looked at laying face down. Heel lifts should be about 1/3 of the actual difference and should be no thicker than 4 cm. When measuring leg length inequalities the heel counter is used, not the bottom of the shoes. Any rotation of the feet should be corrected. Heel lifts should be removed after a week or two of pain relief if realized. Some soreness may return and if this discomfort remains persistent, the leg lengths should be evaluated again.
Click here for heel lifts

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Have a cold? C boost by Bolthouse farms will beat it

Bolthouse farms is a company that makes fantastic fruit juices that are available at most local supermarkets. One of my favorite products is C-boost which besides tasting great also contains an amazing amount of vitamin C. Just look at the nutrition stats for this drink and remember this is per serving.

Serving size: 8 fl. Oz (240ml)Amount per serving:
Calories: 152 Calories from fat: 0

Total Fat 0g
Saturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 15mg
Potassium 320mg
Total Carbohydrate 36g
Dietary Fiber < 1g
Sugars 30g
Protein 1g % Daily Value*

Vitamin A 50% • Vitamin C 1200%
Calcium 2% • Iron 2%
Vitamin E 20% • Riboflavin 8%
Folic Acid 15% • Zinc 100%

Superfresh on 322, Giant, Acme, Superfresh and Shoppingbag all carry Bolthouse drinks.

See the Bolthouse web site here

Bunions : Another result of pelvic dysfunction

Bunions are a bone growth deformity of the big toe. These can become painful and cause the foot to deform. Traditionally it was thought that improper shoes cause bunions, or that certain foot structures are more apt to cause bunions, but one again it comes down to the pelvis. As I discussed in my post about uneven shoe wear and pelvic rotation, the feet are at the mercy of the pelvis and head. Any rotation of the hips will translate down the leg into the feet and end at the toes. Excessive rubbing against the shoe will cause a callus to form on the inside of the big toe, but the improper weight distribution is what will cause the change in the bone at the joints. Some things to look for if you suspect a bunion is forming:

A thickening of the skin at the base of the big toe
Pain at the base of the big toe
Your big toe is leaning or pointing towards the next toe instead of straight forward

If you noticed any of the above, you may also have:

Opposite side inside knee pain, same side ankle pain or frequent strain/sprains, same side groin tenderness, mid or low back pain.

Shaving off the callus or even having the toe surgically corrected will ease the pain but not fix the problem. The cause must be identified and eliminated.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Biomechanical Dysfunction is the cause of most muscular and skeletal problems

Click the picture for a larger image so text can be read

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What to do if you have back or neck pain and no health insurance

We actually prefer self paying patients! We offer what is called a Time Of Service discount for cash paying patients which discounts care by as much as 40%. This requires a signed agreement stating that the patient will pay for care on the day it is rendered and will be keep scheduled appointments.

Please stop by the office for details.
Dr David DeFries Jr Chiropractor
1520 Meetinhouse Road
Boothwyn PA 19061
Email me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Do you wear your shoes out unevenly?

Click here to see why your shoes wear unevenly and the pain it causes click me

Low back pain with : hip, groin, knee, buttocks and or sacral pain?

I am actively seeking people who present with the following conditions:

Low back pain and or glute pain in combination with groin, knee, ankle or hip pain. These conditions tend to present together because they are the result of dysfunction in the pelvis. When the pelvis is uneven, the body must compensate in order to get the skull and brain balanced and centered. The "long leg" will often rotate out to make that leg shorter in an attempt to balance the pelvis. This is why people often notice that the foot on the side of discomfort turns out. Inside knee pain, sharp pain or soreness may be felt in the middle of the buttocks on that side, and low back pain on the opposite side. Inspection of often worn shoes may show more wear on the outside of the side with the pain.

If you have experienced symptoms listed above but have dismissed them as arthritis, muscle spasms or sleeping wrong please email me. Restoring the balance of the joints along the spine is a task that you will want to undertake now and not later on down the road. Pain killers, muscle relaxers, hip replacements, knee replacements, and expensive orthotics are not where you will want to spend your time and money.

If you are experiencing neck, midback, shoulder or hand pain not related to an injury please contact me also.

My goal is to attract quality patients who want to feel, look and live better. Feel free to email me and we can determine if your condition can be helped by my approach. If I can not help you I will tell you. I understand that Craigslist may be an unconventional way to find a doctor, but I am an unconventional doctor.

My office hours are by appointment and I am available 7 days a week right now while I build this practice.
I do offer cash discounts if the visit is paid for on the date of service.
Dr David DeFries Jr D.C.
1520 Meetinghouse Road
Boothwyn Pa, 19061
Email me!

Emergency back pain neck pain shoulder pain arm pain hand pain physical therapy after hours available care boothwyn chichester marcus hook wilmington delaware trainer chester brookhaven parkside concordville glen mills bethel pennsylvania