Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Low back pain, Mid back Pain , Neck Pain and arthritis

Arthritis has become a shoo away diagnosis in this society. Far too often people with joint pain are given a quick diagnosis of arthritis and issued muscle relaxers or pain medication and sent home. First understand that arthritis simply means joint ( arthro) and inflammation (itis). It has been suggested that this is an improper term because it isn't true inflammation when speaking of osteoarthritis rather it is irritation. A joint becomes irritated from misuse not overuse. When it moves improperly the surrounding area becomes acidic and calcium is deposited. On an Xray this is can appear as an increased white area around the bone. The bone will also start to deform because of the irregular pressure being but on it by undue stress.

Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis or degenerative disc or joint disease and given no treatment to remove the irritation is like showing up with an arrow in your eyeball, being told you have a scratched retina and being given an aspirin. If a joint is irritated, you must remove the irritation not just reduce the symptoms. If left untreated this joint irritation can lead to chronic and very painful pain.

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