Friday, March 28, 2008

What causes Low back pain and hip groin leg pain sciatica

Understanding your body is the key to understanding your pain

Your brain is smart, and very selfish. It wants to not only be in the penthouse suite way up at the top, it wants to be in the center. This allows for it to receive and transmit all of the messages it needs to through the nerves and also provides proper blood flow. The brains palace is the skull and it sits on top of the spinal column.. The spine encases the nervous system and provides stability and protection. At the base of the spine sits the sacrum which is like an upside down triangle. This acts as the keystone for the spine as it is wedges in between the bones of the pelvis. The large bony pelvis is therefore the the anchor of the whole system. Pelvis means basin or bowl in Latin. The job of this bowl is to not only hold some of your important organs but to act like a stabilizing point for the transition from the legs to the torso.

So the pelvis is the Key!

The pelvis is the foundation and the sacrum is the base. If the foundation is uneven, the base and everything above it is shifted causing chaos in the rest of the body. Imagine wearing one high heel and one flat shoe. One leg would obviously be longer than the other but they both would have to touch the ground at the same point. So this leg difference would translate all the way up into the pelvis causing it to tilt. This in turn would force the spine to one side and with it would go the skull and brain. This would be unacceptable to the brain because it would affect the blood supply, interfere with balance and disrupt nerve signals. In order to reduce this tilting and get itself back over the center line, the brain would send impulses to the muscles of the back and legs to rotate the pelvis and spine.

The rotation of the spine

The unbalancing of the spine and the attempt to correct it
The unbalancing of the spine and the attempt to correct it

The pelvic shuffle

The femurs fit into the pelvis bone at what is called the acetabulum and this form the hip joint. The femurs come in on a small angle and form a ball joint with the pelvis. When the femur is rotated in, the foot turns out and conversely when the femur turns out, the foot rotates in. Because of the angle in which it sits, rotation actually causes the femur to rise up or to drop a slight amount. This provides a way for the brain to balance out the pelvis if it senses it is uneven. If the pelvis is tilted up on the right side, this would cause the spine to lean to the left and since the brain is so selfish I will not allow this. In oder to correct the imbalance there are several options the brain can utilize. If the pelvis tilts upward on the right the right leg becomes shorter than the left and the spine drifts to the side bringing the head with it and a cascade of problems ensue.

Finding a Chiropractor in Boothwyn 19061

Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Boothwyn, Upper Chichester, Lower Chichester , Marcus Hook, Trainer, Chester , Aston , Bethel or Garnet Valley to treat you for your neck, back, hip, sacral, sciatica, foot , Knee or other muscular or skeletal pain?

Dr David DeFries Jr. D.C. Chiropractic with Massage Therapy Available.
1520 Meetinghouse Road
Boothwyn Pa 19061

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Low back pain, Mid back Pain , Neck Pain and arthritis

Arthritis has become a shoo away diagnosis in this society. Far too often people with joint pain are given a quick diagnosis of arthritis and issued muscle relaxers or pain medication and sent home. First understand that arthritis simply means joint ( arthro) and inflammation (itis). It has been suggested that this is an improper term because it isn't true inflammation when speaking of osteoarthritis rather it is irritation. A joint becomes irritated from misuse not overuse. When it moves improperly the surrounding area becomes acidic and calcium is deposited. On an Xray this is can appear as an increased white area around the bone. The bone will also start to deform because of the irregular pressure being but on it by undue stress.

Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis or degenerative disc or joint disease and given no treatment to remove the irritation is like showing up with an arrow in your eyeball, being told you have a scratched retina and being given an aspirin. If a joint is irritated, you must remove the irritation not just reduce the symptoms. If left untreated this joint irritation can lead to chronic and very painful pain.

Chiropractic treatment of headaches and migranes

Headaches and migraines are often caused by compression of the vertebral arteries. Only in your cervical spine do you have blood vessels actually running through the vertebra. These arteries supply the blood flow to the brain. Any abnormal pressure exerted on these vessels cna decrease the blood supply and cause pain. Abnormal curves of the neck, poor posture and previous injury can all lead to increased incidences of headaches. Headaches are not "normal" and should not be written off as stress or poor sleeping position. If you experience headaches please stop in so we can find out the cause and fix the problem.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chiropractic services available during weekends, after hours and holidays

Appointments are available during the Easter weekend at my Boothwyn 19061 office. Chiropractic visits for back, neck pain, sciatica, headaches and other muscle and joint symptoms. Please call Dr David DeFries Jr. at 610-800-7752.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

When to use heel lifts in your shoes for low back pain

Pelvic unleveling is the focus of my treatment. for a better understanding please see my article on the pelvis by clicking here biomechanical dysfunction . Heel lifts can be used to help reverse the tilting and rotation of the pelvis but this should be done with caution. When heel lifts are are utilized before the cause of the dysfunction is reduced there is a chance that the condition may get worse. The heel lift my be placed in the side of the longer leg to reduce irritation to the hip and opposite side low back. Quite often this will result in an overcompensation by the body and the short leg will then appear longer when looked at laying face down. Heel lifts should be about 1/3 of the actual difference and should be no thicker than 4 cm. When measuring leg length inequalities the heel counter is used, not the bottom of the shoes. Any rotation of the feet should be corrected. Heel lifts should be removed after a week or two of pain relief if realized. Some soreness may return and if this discomfort remains persistent, the leg lengths should be evaluated again.
Click here for heel lifts