Friday, June 27, 2008

Great Yoga Tips

I found a great set of tips for beginning yoga. See them by clicking here

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ibuprofen Cream

Monday, June 2, 2008

Why does your neck hurt?

Why does your neck hurt?

Neck pain just plain sucks. Stiffness and soreness in the neck causes discomfort, irritability, loss of sleep and often numbness and strength loss down the arms into the hands.

Many patients report neck pain after car accidents, injuries and overexertion but some can't point to any specific incident that caused them to have neck pain. Some people blame it on sleeping wrong, stress or overworking and many times these may be factors but usually aren't the root cause.

Basically you have a fat head! Well it may not be fat but it is rather large compared to the little spine that it is supported by. This spine is made up of seven vertebrae whose job it is to not only keep you standing tall and allowing movement but they also carry blood vessels to the brain and the spinal cord runs right through them. In between each of these units nerves exit the spinal cord and go to their respective origins. The nerves of the lower cervical spine join to form the nerves to your shoulder, arm and hand muscles. Discs provide support and cushioning to these vertebrae On top of these important structures are your windpipe, esophagus , lymph nodes and muscles. So you can see that this is a complex area of the body and any irritation can affect numerous structures.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Posture Pump Buy it here

The Posture Pump cervical traction device really works!

As a Chiropractor I am constantly amazed by the amount of junk that is pushed on the American public and much of it is produced and promoted by the same people who call us quacks! I am a true believer in restoring function to the
body ( as evidenced by my other posts) and rarely do I rely on or push a product on my patients. The posture pump is one device that I have found to actually reduce a straight neck and to restore the natural curve in the neck.

If you are searching for a product to use at home this is it!

The Posture Pump is a traction device that not only tractions your neck but by using an air bladder it restores the natural curve in your neck.

You may see ads for doctors in you local newspapers pushing Distraction therapies which are really only glorified expensive units that do abolut the same thing as the Posture Pump only these charge thousands of dollars for treatment. You can use this product at home for 1/10th of the price.

I would recommend that you consult a Chiropractor or Osteopath before using the pump to rule out any contraindications. Be warned that most medical doctors and radiologist will not even point out hypolordosis ( that is the loss of the normal cervical curve) and will quickly dismiss this home device and push physical therapy.

Only $130 plus $7 shipping within the United States only.

Take a look at posture pumps informative website but return here to buy because they are asking $198 for the product.

Posture Pump Website

Buy now using Paypal. Safe and Secure
Click on the button below.